
Carehome.co.uk is the Trip Advisor of the care home industry, with over 123,000 independent reviews of care homes. Below are just a few we’ve received.

We moved house in July 2024. Mom is a senior at 94 years old and suffers from cognitive decline. It would have been very... Read More
My sisters and I are completely blown away by the extraordinarily high standard of care our mother receives 24/7. We feel so lucky to... Read More
This is a unique establishment that cares for people and makes people feel wanted. A rare quality these days. 10 out of 10 and... Read More
Eden Court is simply the best care home/hotel I could have ever imagined for my wife. She was very apprehensive about a move into... Read More
A very good stay, I have nothing negative to say. Lovely staff, very helpful, marvellous attitude. I shall recommend the home to everyone. ... Read More
The team are extremely professional yet terribly friendly and respectful of the ill and aged. I am eternally grateful for all their efforts. ... Read More
My father went into Eden Court for some respite care in February and is now a full-time resident. It took him a week or... Read More
I was very concerned when my mother reached the point where care at her home was no longer an option. However, on my first... Read More
Eden Court is just 2 years old, i.e. almost new, and in some ways resembles a sumptuous hotel. It is built around a courtyard... Read More
My partner and myself are very pleased with every service – a wonderful atmosphere throughout. The management are fantastic and always available. ... Read More
I couldn’t be more pleased with Eden Court and the way the team makes each day special for my mother. Thank you. ... Read More
From the time we arrived, everybody has been very caring, helpful and compassionate. My husband was treated with so much love, respect and dignity... Read More

If you’re seeking care for yourself or a loved one, why not get in touch for a chat? We’re here to help you!